
PCB Laser Cutting System
MLC 3000 series can be configured withdifferent power levels (depending on thickness of PCB) with manualloading/unloading of the PCB panels. Traditional mechanical de-paneling methodsare not only noisy and dusty on the production floor, but they also tend toincrease the scrap rate due to the inherent mechanical stress they impart onPCBs, especially when those PCB include sensitive components such as sensors.
  • UV/ Green laser up to 20W
  • High peak power and short pulse width
  • Low HAZ at cut edge (cold cutting)
  • Excellent gaussian beam quality (M2<1.3)
  • Precise accuracy at +/-10um
  • High cutting speed, high throughput
  • Cutting yield of >99.9%
  • Non-contactstress free process
  • Dual shuttle working